How Social Commerce Platforms are Driving E-Commerce Sales


How Social Commerce Platforms are Driving E-Commerce Sales


Social commerce platforms are more than just a trendy way to drive sales. They’re actually essential to building your brand and driving revenue for your business.

If you’re not using social commerce platforms, it’s time to start—and if you are, there’s still room for improvement. We’ll walk through three ways in which these solutions can help boost e-commerce sales: scale the mountain of building a loyal customer base; leverage the power of word-of-mouth marketing; and utilize best practices for harnessing word-of-mouth marketing campaigns.

How social commerce platforms are driving e-commerce sales

Social commerce is a powerful tool for businesses to grow their customer base, drive sales and build loyalty.

Social commerce platforms are great for marketing. They can help you reach new customers and make it easier for existing customers to share your products with their friends.

Social commerce platforms are also great for building loyalty by rewarding people who engage with you on social media or in-store with discounts or promotions that they may not have otherwise received.

Finally, social commerce platforms can reduce costs by allowing businesses to integrate traditional e-commerce systems like PayPal into the platform so they don’t need separate payment processing services anymore—allowing them more time and resources dedicated towards marketing efforts instead of back end operations


Scale the mountain of building a loyal customer base

Now that you’ve established your brand and made a name for yourself, it’s time to scale the mountain of building a loyal customer base.

In order to do this, you need to create a strong sense of community within your brand. Remember: social commerce exists because people want to engage with brands on their terms in real-time. As such, any form of messaging or communication is only going to be effective if it feels human and genuine—you’ll get much further by making an effort to connect with customers than simply blasting them with marketing messages every time they visit your store.

But how? The best way is through regular user engagement (or UGE) campaigns, which are designed around the idea that there are certain tasks that customers perform repeatedly throughout their journey with your business—the most important being checking out! If they can easily perform those tasks when they check out then they will become more likely purchase from you again in future; conversely if these processes are complicated then they may just leave without completing their purchase altogether!

Social commerce platforms also make it easier for you to create and manage your own social media accounts. This gives you a way to engage directly with customers, both by responding to their questions and comments and by posting updates about new products or special offersThere are two main types of UGE campaigns: 1) Reminders and 2) Promotions. The former is designed to remind customers that they still need to complete a task that they started but didn’t finish; the latter is used to highlight deals or special offers available at the moment..

The power of word-of-mouth marketing

Word-of-mouth marketing is a powerful tool that can be used to build brand reputation. But it’s also an excellent driver of sales.

Businesses can use word-of-mouth marketing to drive sales by encouraging their customers to recommend their business on social media, in their personal lives, or at work. This strategy is particularly effective if you incentivize these recommendations by rewarding your most loyal customers with cash or other rewards (a free product or service).

It’s important for businesses to monitor what their customers are saying about them online—both in positive and negative reviews—and address any concerns head on if they arise.

How do you harness the power of word-of-mouth?

In order to harness the power of word-of-mouth, you need to make it easy for people to share your products. This can be done by using a social commerce platform that lets users easily share products via their preferred social media channels. Social commerce platforms allow you to collect reviews and ratings from both customers and influencers, giving you valuable insights into what works best at driving sales. You can also use the platform’s native analytics tools to track how well each piece of content performs in terms of engagement.

Social commerce platforms also provide you with the tools to easily create and manage your own social media pages. This gives you a way to engage directly with customers, both by responding to their questions and comments and by posting updates about new products or special offers.

Social commerce solutions for businesses

Social commerce solutions for businesses

As you can see, social commerce is the future of e-commerce. But how do you use a solution like this to boost your bottom line? Here are some ways that social commerce platforms can help:

  • Social Commerce Platforms Engage Customers With Your Brand. Having an engaged audience is crucial to any business—and it’s what makes social media such a powerful tool for building brand recognition and spreading awareness of new products or services. By putting your brand front and center on a platform like Instagram, you’re able to reach people who might not have heard about you otherwise. With plenty of competition out there, standing out from the crowd is key; social media allows small businesses to interact with customers in real time and build relationships that grow over time into loyal shoppers who will ultimately become brand advocates by sharing their experience online through positive reviews or other forms of engagement on their own channels (Facebook groups, blogs etc.).

If you want to drive more sales, you need to start leveraging the power of social commerce.

Every business that wants to drive more sales needs to leverage the power of social commerce. Social commerce is a growing trend, and it’s only going to continue gaining momentum as more people spend more time on social platforms.

Social commerce platforms help you build your brand and drive sales by giving you access to new audiences, allowing you to engage with customers in new ways, tracking what works (and what doesn’t), and providing tools for reaching out directly through SMS marketing.

And if that wasn’t enough, social commerce platforms can help you scale your business by making it easier for influencers and bloggers who already have large followings within their niche market (such as fashion or skincare) to promote your products via posts on their own Instagram accounts or other social media channels.


The power of word-of-mouth marketing is a force to be reckoned with, and the best way to harness it is through social commerce. You can start by creating a strong brand identity that aligns with your business goals. Then, you need to engage with your customers, listen to their feedback on products/services and use this information as an opportunity for improvement. Finally, make sure you have a solid strategy in place so that when new opportunities arise for growth; you’re ready!


RPA tool comparison: Top 4 tools for your automation project


The right RPA tool can make the difference between a project that succeeds and one that fails. There are many different tools on the market, and they all have their own unique features. In this post, we’ll take a look at three popular RPA solutions: UiPath, Automation Anywhere, and Blue Prism. We’ll also compare them in terms of ease of use/training/implementation, APIs, integrations with other solutions (like AWS or Salesforce), and more!



The most popular RPA tool among enterprise customers is UiPath. It has the largest customer base, with over 100 enterprises having adopted it. The company also boasts one of the highest numbers of active users and developers. It also has one of the largest ecosystems, with over 250 partners and integrations. The company is also rapidly expanding its global reach with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. UiPath is a popular RPA tool that has been around for several years. The company, which was founded in 2007, has over 10,000 customers across the globe and more than 5 million users. The software is available in multiple languages, including English, French, and German.

UiPath offers many features that help automate processes across multiple platforms—including web browsers and mobile devices—and can be used to automate tasks on any desktop or mobile application. The platform also allows you to integrate third-party systems such as ERPs (enterprise resource planning) or CRMs (customer relationship management). The learning curve for UiPath isn’t steep; if you already know how to use Office 365 tools like Word or Excel then you’ll pick it up quickly because they share similar functionalities with your favorite productivity apps.

Automation Anywhere

Automation Anywhere is a cloud-based RPA tool that allows you to automate business processes across various platforms. It has a wide range of integrations with third-party applications and can be used on-premises or in the cloud.

The platform is integrated with Microsoft Office 365, Salesforce, SAP, and Oracle databases through APIs. Other integrations include Google Sheets, Dropbox, and Box for file management; Slack for team communications; Zendesk for customer support; Xero accounting software; Workday human resources management (HRM) software; Tableau data visualization software; Veeam Backup & Replication backup & recovery software; Jira bug tracking tool; Confluence wiki tool, etc., which makes it easy to connect your existing systems while automating new ones at the same time. Anywhere has a wide range of automation capabilities including data extraction and transformation, document creation & editing, and social media monitoring. The platform allows you to create business rules using a visual workflow designer or write code in Python.

Blue Prism

Blue Prism is a cloud-based RPA tool built on a proprietary platform. It’s meant for large enterprises and projects that need to be accomplished quickly, such as cutting costs and streamlining operations. While it has some limitations in terms of customization, Blue Prism is a good fit for companies that don’t have the resources or expertise necessary to develop their own software solutions. The software is easy to use and can be deployed quickly. Its main benefit is that it’s capable of automating processes that would otherwise require a large number of human workers.


WorkFusion, like most RPA tools on the market, is cloud-based and easy to use. It has a low learning curve and an intuitive interface that makes it simple for anyone to get started with automation projects. WorkFusion offers some unique features that aren’t available in other RPA tools. For example, it’s the only tool that can handle data migration—no matter what systems (including virtual ones) your company uses. You can also run WorkFusion in any environment—on premise or in the cloud—to suit your needs and budget.

The company’s support team is also highly responsive to customer needs. They’ll help you get set up, walk you through your first project, and answer any questions or concerns you have along the way.


As you can see, there’s no “one-size-fits-all” solution when it comes to automating business processes. The right tool depends on your company’s specific needs and goals. It may also depend on whether or not you already have an existing software platform that can be integrated into your RPA project. However, with so many options available today, there is a good chance that one will work for you!

Top 5 AI Algorithms for the retail industry


The retail industry has always been one of the most challenging fields for companies to operate in. It is highly competitive, and it’s nearly impossible for retailers to know what each customer wants. However, artificial intelligence (AI) has changed the game for many businesses across the globe. Using AI can help retailers make smarter decisions about their products, their supply chain operations, and their marketing strategies.


Algorithms for sales forecasting

The retail industry is one of the most data-driven industries, but it also has a lot of challenges. One issue is forecasting sales, which involves predicting future demand and supply.AI can help with sales forecasting by using machine learning to analyze data from past years and make predictions about what future demand will be. This can help companies plan for things like inventory levels, staffing needs and distribution networks in advance so that they can have enough products on hand when consumers want them. Another benefit of AI in sales forecasting is that it helps companies improve their ability to predict consumer behavior based on previous purchases or other behaviors (like browsing). With this information at their fingertips, businesses can use it to develop more effective marketing strategies that target specific customer groups at different times during the year; this helps them get more bang for their buck on advertising costs since there are less wasted ad impressions when people aren’t interested in what’s being advertised at any given time of year!


Algorithms for recommendation engines

The most common use of recommendation engines is for recommendations on products or services. The algorithm can be used to predict what other products the customer may like based on their current purchases and other information, such as past purchases from similar customers, demographic data and browsing behavior. This allows the retailer to tailor their sales pitches by providing personalized recommendations that are likely to increase sales. A recommendation engine can also be used for cross-selling items based on a customer’s previous purchases; if they bought one product, then you want them to buy another related product as well (e.g., if someone buys a pair of shoes with red laces, they may want a matching belt). If a customer has made several purchases in one category of goods such as electronics, clothing or sporting equipment then they may also appreciate receiving suggestions for related categories such as music speakers or exercise bikes so that they can explore those areas too!


Price optimization algorithms

Price optimization algorithms are automated tools that help retailers maximize profit. These algorithms can be used in a number of ways to determine the most optimal price for products. For example, they can be configured to optimize prices in real time, which means changing them regularly depending on factors like competitor pricing and customer demand. They can also be used across multiple channels (such as online versus brick-and-mortar), or across multiple products within a single category or brand


Customer Segmentation Algorithms

Customer segmentation algorithms are used to identify groups of customers with similar characteristics, such as their gender, age, income level or region. These algorithms can be used to create targeted marketing campaigns and reach out to customers at the right time with a relevant message. There are many different types of customer segmentation algorithms. One type is called Clustering Algorithms, which group together customers who have similar patterns in their data points. Another type is Decision Trees (or Classification Trees), which creates a tree-like structure that describes the relationship between various variables and predicts whether an individual belongs to one cluster or another based on his/her answers.


Personalization algorithms

Personalization algorithms can be used to personalize the shopping experience for customers. Personalization, in general, is a key driver of customer satisfaction and loyalty. In order to get the most out of your business and win over new clients, implementing some form of personalization should be high on your list of priorities.

Here are five types of personalization that you can use to improve your customer’s experience:

  • Recommendations based on previous purchases (eBay)
  • Personalized search results (Google)
  • Tailored ad delivery (Facebook)


Using AI in the retail industry can be a gamechanger.

The retail industry is one of the most competitive industries in the world. With so many competitors and price wars, it’s difficult to stand out from the pack. But using AI can help you do just that.AI is being used across every aspect of retail: customer experience, sales, marketing, supply chain management, and operational efficiency. Let’s take a look at how each type of AI is changing how retailers operate. Customer Experience: AI is being used to create more engaging and personalized experiences for customers. For example, Amazon uses an algorithm that recommends products based on what you’ve previously purchased and rated highly. This helps you find new items that are relevant to you without having to search through pages of unrelated products.



This article is a great starting point for any retailer who wants to use AI in their business. You will find out the most common algorithms used by retailers today and how they can benefit your company. By implementing these algorithms into your system, you will be able to improve your sales forecasting, recommendation engines and price optimization while keeping customers happy with personalized shopping experiences.

Top 5 Blockchain Protocols to know

With the internet, a broad range of protocols are widely used, such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and SSH. Likewise, many protocols have been developed for Blockchain. The differences between Blockchain protocols are significant, so various protocols will offer advantages and disadvantages that you will need to consider when creating an application.

The bottom line is that if you want to get the most out of Blockchain technology, you have to understand how protocols impact network performance and the limitations that they can entail. When seeking to understand protocols, you should start by understanding some common terms that professionals use to describe how Blockchains communicate.

1. Hyperledger

Hyperledger is an open-source project that aims to create a suite of tools for enterprises to deploy Blockchain technologies quickly and effectively. The protocol is commonly used in Blockchain software solutions because it comes with its libraries that help to speed up development. The Linux Foundation is a strong supporter of Hyperledger, and it has supplied significant expertise to accelerate the creation of the protocol. Hyperledger is also highly compatible with Linux, so it is designed to work effectively on the same servers that are widely used in today’s business world.

2. Multichain

Multichain was established to help for-profit corporations create private Blockchains to facilitate more efficient transactions and to develop new applications for the proof-of-work systems that Blockchain technologies rely on. As a private company, Multichain can offer an API that can be used by Blockchain development services to streamline integration and accelerate deployment. What sets Multichain apart from its competitors is how it is designed to work alongside fiat currencies and physical stores of value. In contrast, most cryptocurrency projects are centered on the ultimate replacement of physical money with digital mediums of exchange.

3. Enterprise Ethereum

Ethereum offers a version of its software that is designed for business use cases. The goal of Ethereum Enterprise is to increase the business use cases of Blockchain software development. With Ethereum Enterprise, businesses can rapidly develop large-scale applications to exchange value. The major advantage of Ethereum Enterprise is that it allows businesses to create proprietary variants of Ethereum while still taking full advantage of the latest Ethereum code. Under ordinary circumstances, Ethereum’s license makes it difficult to build proprietary variants of the software, but the enterprise version gives businesses an option for getting around this issue.

4. Corda

Corda is a competitor of Multichain that offers a protocol designed for enterprises. Most applications that have been developed with Corda have been in the finance and banking field. However, a wide range of custom Blockchain solutions can make use of Corda’s technology. Corda is accredited by the R3 banking consortium, so it is a good choice for Blockchain development solutions in the finance industry.

5. Quorum

As with many of the leading protocols, Quorum aims to help businesses in the finance sector. Quorum is significant because it has strong backing from the financial community. For instance, J.P. Morgan Chase is a primary financial backer of the protocol, and it has received additional resources from other leading banks. However, Quorum has managed to remain as an open-source project that can be utilized by anyone. Quorum is also strongly associated with Ethereum since the project started by modifying the Ethereum code

Why does it matter?

When launching a Blockchain software development project, the selection of a Blockchain protocol is one of the most important decisions that will have to be made. Protocols matter because they determine the scope of functionality that your software can provide. It is important to understand that the leading protocols contain highly sophisticated technologies that required the collaboration of thousands of computer scientists. Instead of reinventing the wheel, your project can be completed in less time and with fewer resources by taking advantage of a protocol.

Since protocols are highly complex, it usually makes sense to work with customized Blockchain development services that are experienced in delivering Blockchain development solutions. Professionals can help you to seamlessly integrate existing software with Blockchain technologies, and they can ensure that your software is deployed and maintained securely. Therefore, the most feasible path forward for companies looking to take advantage of Blockchain technologies is to start by finding a software development expert who knows how to comply with today’s leading protocols

Top 5 strategies to reduce AWS EC2 instances costs


As you may already know, Amazon EC2 instances are virtual servers in Amazon’s EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) that allow users to run applications on the Amazon Web Servers. As you have plenty of options available when it comes to AWS EC2 instances, in this article we’d like to help you understand how to reduce the cost for these services. There are several strategies that you can implement, and these are the most effective.


1. Choose the right family instance

There are many families of EC2 instances available: they have different options for CPU, memory, and network. The “T” and “A” families are the most affordable. However, you should also find a good compromise between price and performance. The “T” family of instances, for example, is only suitable for websites with low traffic with some spikes, while the “A” family is based on ARM processors, so it’s used for laptops, smartphones, and tablet computers.

If you’re working in these areas, picking one of these two families can help you reduce the costs for AWS EC2 instances.


2. Choose the Region

Not many users know that some regions are more expensive than others: simply moving your instances from one region to another at a lower price can be cost-effective. Choosing a region is a very important factor when it comes to cost


3. Choose the Operating System

When you pay for your EC2 instances, you aren’t only paying for using some hardware; there are also costs associated with the Operating Systems. For example, using Windows or RedHat makes you spend more than if you were using Linux. (Migrating from one OS to another is free!).


4. Opt for a newer instance

With time, AWS releases new types of instances. As technology improves, the newer instances are more cost-effective: for the same price, they can provide better performances. Changing to a newer instance, therefore, can help you optimize the costs of your Amazon EC2 instances.


5. Change the instance according to your actual needs

Very often developers choose their instances early in their project. Their pick is based on assumptions so that, as the project begins being developed, some instances could be over-dimensioned compared to the actual usage. This is basically a waste of resources: if you change an instance that is suitable to your actual CPU and memory usage and needs, it’ll help you optimize the costs.

This gives you useful hints about how to reduce the costs for your Amazon EC2 instances. When making your choices, always try to find the right balance between costs and benefits: this is the basis of resource optimization!

What is a Progressive Web Application?

What is a Progressive Web Application?

What exactly is a progressive web application? Although the concept isn’t new, its importance in modern-day web development can’t be stressed enough. At the core of every progressive web application (PWA) lies the concept of delivering an app-like experience to users regardless of platform or device. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to develop PWAs and go over some of their benefits, as well as their strengths and weaknesses compared to mobile applications.


What are Progressive Web Apps?

A progressive web app (PWA) is an approach to web development using modern web technologies to create applications that are meaningful and functional in every context of use. As opposed to mobile-first, which focuses on optimizing mobile experiences first, PWAs start with what matters most—providing a good user experience regardless of device or browser type. This document provides answers to questions you may have about PWAs.

A progressive web application (PWA) makes use of modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like experience to users. This entails the delivery of content and data progressively through technology such as service workers, responsive design, push notifications, and application programming interfaces (APIs). PWAs are much more than just websites that work offline. In fact, they’re mobile applications that just happen to work when there’s no internet connection or if a user has poor connectivity.

Another distinguishing feature of progressive web apps is their installation on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Users can store these apps on their home screen using an icon for easy access when they need it or want it. A Progressive Web App (PWA) is an app that feels like a regular mobile application, but works for every browser and operating system. It can be installed on your phone’s home screen just like any other app, and it will even send you notifications.

The best part about PWAs, however, is that they’re actually just websites — built using service workers and JavaScript — that can appear to users as apps if they meet certain criteria. Service workers make it possible for your website to work without an internet connection by caching resources locally on your device. These technologies let you build fast-loading web pages with rich functionality not normally found in a mobile browser window.


Why Should We Build Progressive Web Application?

Progressive web applications are taking over mobile internet usage. This year, they will account for more than half of all mobile traffic, and as many as six billion devices will be connected to them. By 2020, PWAs are expected to make up 80% of total global internet traffic. . A PWA can make it easier for people to use your products or services, especially those with low specs (such as slow connections) by providing an accessible solution.


How Can I Build a PWA?

Progressive web apps can be relatively simple or complex, depending on your goals. Building a progressive web application involves coming up with an idea and then thinking through every aspect of that idea– including what you’ll build, how it’ll work, how it will look, and so on. For example, if you want to create an app for recipes that need to be followed precisely (such as baking), then you’ll have different considerations than if you’re building an app for casual browsing (such as watching cooking videos). Whether you decide to use JavaScript frameworks or native coding languages like HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript will also impact how much time goes into developing your PWA. At Perma Technologies we can customize a strategy and implement this latest technology, which will benefit your customers.


Are There Tools to Help Me Easily Create my PWA from Scratch?

There are many tools that can help you start building your own PWA. Some of these include: -The Angular CLI and Angular CDK – Lighthouse, a cross-platform mobile app development framework based on Apache Cordova, Polymer, an open-source library for building Web Components. It also provides additional tools like polymer init and polymer toolbox to help speed up PWA development. These are just some of the many options out there.


How Do I Verify My PWA Works Well Across All Platforms?

Google Chrome has a handy PWA generator built in, which can be found at chrome://flags/#enable-add-to-homescreen. If you click that link, you’ll notice it’s off by default; turning it on and relaunching Chrome will make web apps installable from your home screen just like native apps. (Windows 10 offers similar functionality with its own Web Apps option.) But Chrome isn’t your only option—many other browsers have made strides to support PWAs as well. Microsoft, Firefox, Mozilla, and Opera all have some PWA support baked in—in addition to Safari for Mac.